BlueStar is proud to announce that our President, Tim Werner, was selected to be interviewed by PlanSponsor for his insight on Pooled Employer Plans (PEPs.)
As you know, BlueStar has offered retirement management services for Multiple Employer Plans (MEPs) for almost 20 years. This laid the foundation to seamlessly administer the new era of retirement plans, PEPs. Tim describes PEPs as a key tool for the future of the evolving retirement services industry, but mentions that their full utility and application is still unfolding.
Pooled Employer Plans (PEPs) allow more employers and employees to have access to retirement savings options with reduced burdens and costs for everyone. The initial idea of PEPs was to allow smaller businesses access to more buying power, but Tim has now seen an uptick in interest from mid-size organizations.
As the market for PEPs develops and everyone learns more about the potential of this new retirement solution, BlueStar will continue to evolve and provide superior retirement services coupled with smart technologies.
In another PlanSponsor feature article, Tim dives into some sponsor's hesitations and the ‘waiting on the sidelines’ approach to see what the future holds for PEPs. In contrast, sponsors that are joining early are already reaping the benefits of reduced administrative burdens under BlueStar's PEP products. When you sign up with BlueStar, you are essentially hiring experts to run all aspects of your plan. Leaning on the strength of BlueStar’s expertise puts your plan on the right path with the expectation that there will be fewer administrative mistakes.
No matter who is utilizing these PEPs - advisors, sponsors or small to mid-size companies - Tim emphasizes that BlueStar is boldly moving forward into the new era of retirement planning with Pooled Employer Plans.
PlanSponsor articles here:
How Will the PEP Market Develop in Early 2021?
Sponsors Have Many Considerations as PEPs Hit the Market