We've worked with a variety of associations to deliver an unparalleled retirement solution for their members.

With our help, associations can offer an amazing value to their members by offering a Multiple Employer Plan, reinforcing the benefit of association membership.

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Stronger Together BlueStar Knows Association Retirement Plans

BlueStar has been providing Multiple Employer Plans for almost 20 years. Multiple Employer Plans (MEPs) are a special type of 401(k) plan that allows businesses to pool their purchasing power together to access better benefits, service, and rates with less in-house administrative overhead. With BlueStar’s help, association leadership is able to provide a turnkey 401(k) solution for your association members that will blow them away and prove the value of membership over and over again. 

  • No Plan Design Limitations
    We understand that each Association and their member’s needs are different. Our Association Retirement Plans can accommodate your specific needs.
  • Custom Branding
    Keep your existing branding so your association can shine and provide a seamless extension of all your association benefits.
  • Industry-Specific Needs
    From banks to co-ops to construction firms, we know your industry and can support your members’ unique needs.

Why BlueStar An Experienced ARP Partner

When it comes to your Association Retirement Plan, experience matters. At BlueStar, we have been a leader in managing Multiple Employer Plans (MEPs) for almost 20 years. We know and understand associations and appreciate that your 401(k) MEP needs to provide real value to your members. Your dedicated account specialist will take the time to learn your specific industry and get to know your member’s needs. That’s what sets us apart from other MEP providers. 

Superior Service. Smart Technology. Successful Outcomes.

Association Retirement Plans

Frequently Asked Questions


Who can sponsor an Association Retirement Plan? 

Any "Bona Fide" Association as delineated in the DOL Regulations.


What are the Benefits of Association Retirement Plans? 

By banding together, Association members can use a MEP to reduce costs and fiduciary liability all while accessing retirement plan solutions not available to small plans, WITHOUT sacrificing the flexibility of having "your own plan". 


Is an Association Retirement Plan an Open MEP? 

An Association MEP is a closed MEP, available only to Association members. 


How Does BlueStar Serve Association Retirement Plans? 

BlueStar is a Recordkeeper and Third Party Administrator to Association Retirement Plans, and also offers plan fiduciary services such as transaction approvals.  Our portals deliver rich experiences to employers and employees with a relentless focus on the retirement readiness of each and every plan investor.

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Association Retirement Plan Brochure 

Are you ready to learn more about how BlueStar can help you manage your association’s retirement plans? Download our Association Retirement Plan brochure to discover the benefits of working with BlueStar and how our Multiple Employer Plan (MEP) services will make your association stronger. 

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